FJ Cruiser Black Plastic Textured Tire Cover - Tire Tread Design
Custom Toyota FJ Cruiser Tire Covers
Stand out from the crowd with a custom tire cover for your Toyota FJ Cruiser. Stallion Dealer Services (SDS) has combined forces with a local Manufactured for Tire Covers and has come up with these stylish Vacuum Formed ABS Plastic molded or custom soft vinyl tire covers. These will set your FJ apart from the traditional OEM FJ Tire cover.
Custom sizes available, up to 35" tire size call for sizes. **Hair cell Textured
Stand out from the crowd with a custom tire cover for your Toyota FJ Cruiser. Stallion Dealer Services (SDS) has combined forces with a local Manufactured for Tire Covers and has come up with these stylish Vacuum Formed ABS Plastic molded or custom soft vinyl tire covers. These will set your FJ apart from the traditional OEM FJ Tire cover.
Custom sizes available, up to 35" tire size call for sizes. **Hair cell Textured